In each issue, of the Beat we documents a page in the history of Saint-Joseph Boulevard. Thanks to our partner, the Société franco-ontarienne du patrimoine et de l’histoire d’Orléans (SFOPHO).
Did you know that St-Joseph Boulevard was home to several farms? Today, the Orléans Fruit Farm remains
a place you can purchase farm fresh vegetables, pick your own apples and more. But for almost 100 years, Youville Farm occupied 1,025 acres of farmland in our community, and extended north all the way to the Ottawa River. The Grey Nuns of the Cross operated the Youville Farm from 1885 to 1970. The farm included livestock, a dairy, an apple
orchard, and included vegetable crops and a maple syrup operation. To help pollinate plants, the Grey
Nuns kept more than 10 beehives. You can still enjoy the unique limestone former Convent at 1811 St-Joseph Boulevard. Now a commercial building, in 2000 the City of Gloucester designated it as significant for its architectural and heritage importance. In 1970, the housing developer Costain purchased 1,000 acres of the property. Today, the Grey Nuns of the Cross are honoured with their namesakes, the Convent Glen community, and Grey Nuns Drive.