Did you know that the charitable sector contributes 8.5% or an estimated $169 billion to Canada’s GDP?
For more than 21 years, CanadaHelps.org has helped connect Canadian donors with charities that are important to them.. It’s a great resource to find local charities in Ottawa that rely on our contributions. Their annual Giving Report takes a detailed look at past donations. For example, they discovered that while online giving increased substantially in 2020, the overall giving saw a decline dating back to 2016 levels.!
‘Tis the season for charitable giving. Just as with retail sales, charities tend to see their highest volume of donations during the holiday season. Let’s help make this happen.
Orléans has a number of local charities that need the support of the community. During COVID, these charities have relied on our support more than ever. To help you decide which organizations you may want to support, here is a list of local groups that provide important charitable resources and services right here in our BIA community.
ORLEANS-CUMBERLAND COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE (OCCRC) – The Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre as been helping people in our community since 1988 with things like crisis intervention, individual, marital and family counselling, home support services, program for abused women, child and youth programs, emergency food and clothing, Christmas baskets, and so much more!
MIRIAM CENTRE – Miriam Centre has been open in Orléans since July 1, 1988 and offers assistance to mothers in need and their families. In addition to collecting monetary amounts, they collect Canadian Tire money, used stamps and are also in need of various items for mothers and children. Please check their website regularly for a list of suggested items.
COMMUNITY COMPASSION CENTRE (CCC) – Founded in 2019, the Community Compassion Centre is a member agency of the Ottawa Food Bank and serves individuals who live in the K1C District. The CCC is committed to responding to the needs of our community through food distribution.