Hi to All!
My first time writing a blog, so bare with me as I do some research on blog writing.
Once a week there will be a new blog for you to read and catch up on the daily doings of the Shop St. Joseph marketing for the Heart of Orleans Business Improvement Area (BIA). I am hoping to switch it up from written blogs to video blogs right on the spot and on site-pretty exciting.
I will be calling each of you over time to set up a time to meet with you and video you in your business doing what you do best! Please feel free to contact me as well if I don’t get to you first, but you want to be our featured business of the week.
All blogs will go out on Twitter , YouTube and Facebook as well as over our Shopstjoseph and Heart of Orleans BIA websites which combined hit over 2000 people- your 15 minutes of Fame awaits!
Looking forward to writing more blogs as well as visiting each of you to learn about your great services you offer.