What do you love most about the Heart of Orléans?
Everyone is so friendly in Orléans and I love that spirit. With that positive and welcoming attitude, it encourages us to continually improve our community. I have attended a few BIA meetings and they are always very welcoming. It is nice to get information on what is happening in our community.
What makes the Heart of Orléans the perfect spot to locate a business?
Great advertising and how the community is always looking at revamping our streets and making our business look more appealing to the public.
What do you think the most important issue facing the Heart of Orléans is?
Getting people to volunteer, especially with this pandemic and having some businesses suffering financially or with the lockdown.
Name a new type of business you would like to see in the Heart of Orléans.
Family owned business that people would drive to Orléans to come and visit. Examples: Restaurants that are not chain restaurants, expanding or revamping our mall, having more unique boutiques and shops.
What do you think the Heart of Orléans will look like in 2046?
I am hoping it will be very attractive since we will have the full LRT in place, many more homes will have been built, and there will be more people living in Orléans. I know before the lockdown we were having our own festivals (ribfest, beerfest, etc.). These festivals should continue. They are important for our families and they also attract visitors to Orléans.
Which two BIA businesses, outside your own, do you love and why?
OCCO Kitchen and Stray Dog Brewing Company because they are not a chain or a big box store. They bring lots of visitors to Orléans and people are constantly talking about them. They are very good for our community. We need more business that will attract people to come visit and/or talk about Orléans to others.
What inspires you?
I have a mentor who I really connect with. He is someone that I can talk to about different things whether they are related to business or my personal life.
Who (living or departed) do you admire most and why?
I really admire my mother. She is someone that is very strong and hard working. She said if you want something you need to go and get it. You can achieve anything in life if you put your time and effort into it. Life is difficult and nothing will be easy. Keep being positive and you will achieve your goals.
What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from this interview alone?
I love to spend time with my friends and family. I love to meet new people and my biggest focus is wanting to help everyone. I have a big heart and I would like to pass that quality on to my kids and help them understand that everyone is equal and we are not here to judge anyone.
If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?
My friends and family. They know me the best. I am a very open person and I try to make sure that I enjoy life. I want everyone to know who I am and all about me. My friends and family have always been there for me and they are my life.
What else would you like us to know?
Being a business owner and having a family of four kids is something to be extremely proud of. I started my business in 2005. That was a very big decision and I have never looked back. I have worked extremely hard to get to where I am today. Having my family later in life made me realize that people need to have a balance between business and personal life. It is a very hard thing to acknowledge but you need to to make time for your family. I am very fortunate and grateful to have all the people that I have to surround me in my life. I love being active and enjoy sports. I love to be creative, entertaining and I make sure people are having a great time.