If you haven’t met members of our Member Engagement Team here at the The Heart of Orléans BIA, please feel free to reach out to us. We’d love to meet up with you. That’s our job! We’re the group that brings you various networking opportunities such as The BIA Happy Hour, Keynote speaker events, and our Annual General Meeting.
We welcome new businesses to the area by visiting with them to let them know about the services we provide. We visit with longstanding members of our business community to tap into their knowledge and wisdom and check in to see what improvements we can make. Lately, we have been spotted handing out water bottles or touchless keychains to keep our members safe during COVID-19.
This year, in response to the COVID-19 situation, the BIA has partnered with a few local business mentors to create the Back to BIA Mentorship Program. This program offers a free consultation with a choice of participating mentors who have graciously offered to meet with interested business owners as they reopen after COVID-19. From the mentors, our members are able to gain some insight and experience in areas such as strategic planning, finance, networking, sales and marketing, and technology.
One of the best ways to stay engaged with us is through our website, blogs and community e-newsletter, The Heartbeat. Our e-news includes links to our e-magazine, The Beat, as well as information on upcoming events and other important initiatives in the community.
Our Member Engagement Team is made up of a group of experienced and engaged community business leaders from a broad spectrum of sectors and specialities, including our Chair, Rob McCallan from McCallan Financial; Debbie O’Connor, O’Connor Law; André Grzela, Beachcomber Hot Tubs; Alain Guertin, Expedia Cruises Ottawa; Patricia Bonacci and Joseph Jocks, Royal Bank of Canada; and, of course, from the Heart of Orléans, Rita Chalabi, Marketing and Member Engagement Liaison and Tannis Vine, Executive Director.
We’re looking forward to meeting with you!