Heart of Orléans BIA

Dementia Society Education Webinar

Agatha Park (she/her | elle/elle) The Project Coordinator | Coordonnatrice de projets a parlé du webinaire que la Dementia Society propose pour aider à comprendre les symptômes de la démence :

Dementia Inclusive Training is a free 45-minute, live, virtual weekly module offered by the Dementia Society to help individuals and businesses understand and better meet the needs of people with dementia and their caregivers. Join them on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. to learn communication tips, how to identify warning signs and how to create a physical environment that incorporates dementia into your home or business. Register here :https://dementiahelp.ca/education/tuesday-trainings/
If you are a company or a service organization, we can offer you a personalized training session at the date of your choice. Register here:https://dementiahelp.ca/education/dementia-inclusive-training/