Heart of Orléans BIA

BIA Faces of Business

For Christina LH of Christina LH Photography, photography is definitely more than a passion. It is, as she calls it, “my healthy addiction”.

She is known for her creative, relaxed, and unconventional approach and is willing to climb high in a room or get down on the ground to take the shot she needs. She studied photography formally and, with that training under her belt, she is experienced enough to be more than happy to break those rules. Her portfolio reflects this. Her photos bring the personalities of her subjects to life in an energized and lively way, breaking through the “fourth wall” and going beyond simply documenting to being truly original, artistic, and imaginative.

She loves all aspects of her work. Photographing animals and nature is one of the highlights that provides peace, relaxation and renewal of self during hectic times. She relishes the opportunity to freeze a moment in time and space. She feels the same way about other types of photography, such as portraits and proms, as they are important and transformational events that will never come again in a person’s life and the photos she takes become important family treasures, passed down from one generation to the next.

As an engaged community member who has lived in Orléans since 1986, Christina started a project during COVID-19: She took a series of family and individual photos on their porches – to maintain safe social distancing –  in exchange for a donation to one of the local food banks. “I love Orléans, the feel of it, the community spirit, the community strength, the support and looking out for each other. It’s large but it’s small at the same time. The best of all worlds.” she states.

When Tannis Vine, Executive Director of the Heart of Orléans BIA, saw Christina’s COVID project, she was inspired to start a partnership called BIA Faces of the Heart of Orléans. Christina was excited by the prospect to support local businesses in the BIA as well as the community.

In exchange for a minimum donation of $50 that is to be divided between the two food banks – Orléans-Cumberland CRC and the Community Compassion Centre, Christina is booking photo shoots with BIA business members and associate members at their place of business.

With a chuckle, Christina observes, “Owners and staff get very excited about our photo shoots. They’re like kids in a candy store. They know this won’t be a regular, stuffy corporate shoot, that it will be fun and there’ll be lots of laughter. They ask ‘what are you going to have us do now to get the shot?’”

Heart of Orléans Executive Director Tannis Vine says, “Christina’s photos are an amazing way to welcome businesses back to work. Our members are excited about contributing to a local cause while preserving memories of this time. COVID-19 has been hard on everyone. But perhaps it’s also made us more appreciative of and grateful for our local small businesses and the sense of community in our BIA. . The Faces of the BIA project definitely reflects this.”

If you’re interested in scheduling a personal session (humans or pets); your business or an event, please contact Christina.

[email protected]

