Join us as we get up close and personal with another Heart of Orléans Business as we introduce you to the people behind the businesses! These are their stories.
Name of Business: Sound and sight
Owner’s name: Jason Miller
Address: 2288 St-Joseph Boulevard, Orleans, Ontario, K1C 1E8
Phone: 613-601-6787
Email Address: [email protected]
How long have you been in business? When did you open your business in the Heart of Orléans?
Since 2019, New store opening October 1st, 2021
Retail: What do you sell?
We sell TVs, Speakers, Home theatre, Furniture, Decor and Interior Design
Service: what service do you provide?
Sales, Service, Installation, Design Interior and exterior
What made the Heart of Orléans the perfect spot to locate a business?
I have been in Orleans all my life.
Which two BIA businesses, outside your own, do you love and why?
Gabriels Pizza and Cora. They offer great food and service.
What else would you like us to know? (Tell us a little more about yourself or business. What made you decide on your industry? Is there a personal story you’d like to share? What would you tell us so we get to know the face(s) behind the business a little better.)
I have been working and living in Orléans all my life. I was with Stereo Plus and Design for 25 years. It was time to do my own thing when it closed. Very passionate about Audio Visual and Smart Homes. Customer Service is a great strength of mine and have a large following because of it. Love Dealing with old clients as well as new ones.