Heart of Orléans BIA

Ace Arte Studio

Join us as we get up close and personal with another Heart of Orleans business and introduce you to the people behind the companies! Here are their stories

Business name: Ace Art Studio
Owner(s) Name(s) : Steffi Acevedo
Address: 2095 St Joseph Blvd. Unit 1
Phone number: 613 590 1010
Website: www.aceartestudio.com
Email: [email protected]

How long have you been in business? When did you open your business in the Heart of Orléans?
Opened in May, 2022!

Where do you see yourself and/or your business in 2-5 years?
We hope to grow the creative community in Orleans and Ottawa and offer more programs for everyone!

What else would you like us to know? (Tell us a little more about yourself or business.
What made you decide on your industry? Is there a personal story you’d like to share?
What would you tell us so we get to know the face(s) behind the business a little better.)
ACE Arte Studio is a fun, creative, and inclusive space where art classes and workshops are offered for kids & adults. This new studio will be opening its doors very soon! ACE was founded with the love of sharing visual arts, creative expression and hopes to foster a sense of community. In addition to classes, events, and camps, the studio will offer specialized private & group art sessions that focus on the creative process, facilitating self-exploration and promoting the therapeutic effects of creating. ACE Arte Studio offers small class sizes for one-on-one teaching, high-quality materials, and a variety of mediums in a sunny & bright studio.