Heart of Orléans BIA

Top 10 Benefits

1. Your Advocate

Your business is automatically part of an organization whose mission is to promote the area as a district and advocate on your behalf. Both City of Ottawa Councillors in our district sit on our Board of Management. As a business owner, you can influence what happens in our district by providing feedback, getting involved in our BIA Board or committees, and planning special events.

2. Built-in Marketing

Tap into overall branding, marketing and promotion of the Heart of Orléans district. Members also receive free marketing of their business in our online Business Directory.

3. Business Tools You Can Yse

As a member, you have access to tools to strengthen your business, including our Social Media Launchpad Program, and Business Mixer series. In 2015, we are developing a “members only” area on our website with tips, tools and links to resources our business members can use.

4. St-Joseph Specific Grants

Properties within the district may be able to access a specific Community Improvement Plan – a financial incentive for property owners for façade improvement, additions, new building construction, and site work. This is offered through the City of Ottawa. To find out more details and eligibility here.

5. Location, Location, Location

Nestled at the eastern edge of Ottawa, the community of Orléans is located just 15 minutes from downtown, making it close to Ottawa’s federal government sector and related businesses. The Ottawa International Airport is 20 minutes away, and Montreal is less than 2 hours away. The district runs parallel to Highway 174, providing easy access for your business. Ottawa’s Light Rail Stage 2 project will bring extend light rail into Orléans, to make living and working in Orléans even more convenient.

6. Access to Bilingual, Highly-Educated Employees

With Orléans’ highly educated workforce, it has built-in capacity to help support knowledge-based businesses. A significant portion of households speak French at home. With 34 percent speaking French as at least one mother tongue, this makes Orléans one of the most bilingual communities in Ottawa.

7. A Trusted Team

The BIA has assembled a team of trusted supports that your business can tap into. Our Executive Director and Board work closely with City staff, local Councillors, business professionals, and community groups.

8. Boost Your Business With Events

The BIA organizes and participates in several events throughout the year, which encourage people to explore what our district has to offer. Take advantage of these events, make an impression, and build customer loyalty.

9. No Membership Fee

Members do not pay an annual membership fee to be a part of the BIA. Instead, it is funded through a levy as part of property owners’ property taxes. This provides the BIA with steady, secure funding for its many activities and initiatives.

10. Streetscape & Revitalization

The St Joseph district is prime for revitalization. Growing population, proximity to downtown, Ottawa’s light rail project, designation as an Arterial Mainstreet, and financial incentives like our CIP (see point 4, above) – are converging to support renewal in our district. Our long-term streetscape strategic plan is a more attractive, more walkable complete street for your business.
Want to learn more? Our Executive Director would be happy to meet with you and learn more about your business needs. Book an appointment today.